The Most Thorough System Never Released To The Public Until Now

How to Get Your "Black Belt" In Target Focus Training

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

"Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing." 
- Peter Drucker

Think about that quote for a moment....

Efficiency is about precision, making sure every step you take is executed perfectly. But effectiveness? That’s a whole different beast. Effectiveness is about focusing on the right actions, the decisions that truly matter and make a real difference.

In life this distinction can change everything... 

Imagine spending years working hard, grinding away, only to realize you’ve been focusing on the wrong things. You’ve been efficient... but not effective. This is the difference between just going through the motions and achieving something extraordinary.

Take your daily routine...

How often do we fall into the trap of being busy but not productive? We tick off tasks feeling accomplished... yet at the end of the day we haven’t moved any closer to our real goals. Effectiveness means knowing what truly matters... what actions will propel you forward, and then focusing all your energy there.

Or think about your health... 

You can be efficient by exercising and eating right... but are you effective? Are you targeting the right exercises that benefit your body the most? Are you eating the right foods that provide the most nutrition? Being effective in your health means focusing on what truly nurtures your body and mind.

The same applies to self-defense... 

Efficiency in self-defense is knowing how to punch, how to kick, how to block. But effectiveness? That’s knowing exactly where to strike, how to move strategically, and what techniques will actually save your life in a real confrontation. 

If you’re not effective in a life-threatening situation... the consequences are dire. It’s not just about getting it right—it’s about surviving. The difference between efficiency and effectiveness here could be the difference between life and death for you or your loved ones.

For years I’ve kept a powerful self-defense program locked away... a program that embodies this principle of effectiveness. 

That's why I’m finally making this available... Because now, more than ever, having access to this information is crucial. We're living in a time where being prepared isn't an option anymore—it's an essential reality.

Every day we’re reminded that danger can strike anywhere anytime. It’s not enough to be aware... you have to be ready. Ready to protect yourself and your loved ones with skills that go beyond basic self defense. Skills that are effective, precise, and proven to work when it matters most.

For the first time ever, I'm offering an exclusive training to you that you won't find online or in stores. 

This is a one-time chance to gain access to a system that can transform your approach to self-defense...

Introducing "Mastery"

This program has never been realized to the public but now it's time to share it with you. 

Introducing Mastery...

The ultimate self-defense training system. This isn't just another course—it's a comprehensive, step-by-step program designed to take you from a complete beginner to a master of hand-to-hand combat.

Mastery is built on the principles of effectiveness. It focuses on the right actions, the techniques that matter most in real-life confrontations. This system has been meticulously refined over decades, incorporating lessons learned from real-world encounters and expert training.

Imagine having the confidence to handle any threat, knowing exactly where to strike and how to move. Mastery is designed to equip you with these life-saving skills. It’s not just about learning to fight... it's about mastering the art of personal protection and ensuring that you and your loved ones are always safe.

Mastery is divided into 2 parts: Core and Advanced.

The Core Training section focuses on efficiency—teaching you how to perform each action perfectly. You’ll master the fundamentals, ensuring every punch or kick is executed with precision.

This includes:
  • Defining Violence: Learn the principles that could save your life. Discover what violence truly means and why it’s crucial to understand.
  • The Key to Winning: Uncover the one skill that puts everything in your favor during a violent encounter.
  • The Big Lie: Find out what the mainstream media and government don’t want you to know about violence.
  • Predator's Tools: Understand the secret tools that only predators seem to know and use.
  • Emotional Detachment: Learn why you must view violence without emotion to be effective.
  • Targeting Vulnerabilities: Master the 73 areas of the human body that can incapacitate an attacker.They’re usually not in good shape (the life style of the streets doesn't lead to physical fitness), and many are not as sharp as they seem.
  • And so much more...
Once you’ve nailed efficiency... 

You move onto the Advanced portion that makes your skills truly effective. You’ll discover how to apply those precise movements in real-world scenarios, understanding exactly where to strike, how to move strategically, and which techniques will save your life in a confrontation.

What you discover in the Advanced Section:
  • An additional 43 advanced coordination sets to ensure you’re prepared for any scenario.
  • Timing and Precision: Learn when and how to use violence as a tool.
  • Predictive Movement: Gain the ability to predict an opponent’s movements, giving you a roadmap to victory.
  • Chaos Control: Learn to strip the chaos out of violence and focus on creating injury.
  • Fundamentals of Injury: The three things you must do to ensure an injury that stops the threat.
  • Types of Violence: Understand the two types of violence and why you should avoid one of them.
  • Gender Differences: Learn how men and women experience violence differently and what to do in those scenarios.
  • When Escape Isn’t an Option: Know what to do when you can’t run away or talk your way out of a situation.
  • Life-or-Death Combat: Master the techniques for fighting for your life when it’s truly on the line.
  • And so much more...

And Now I'm Ready to Share this Info Exclusively with Just You 
(For now)

For the first time ever, I'm sharing what I consider my "black belt" course for the entire Target Focus Training System.

And I have exclusive Offer for Email Subscribers (aka you).

I believe Mastery is the most comprehensive self-defense training system ever created, and we plan to offer it to the public for $397. Considering the life-saving skills and confidence you'll gain... it’s worth every penny.

But because you're a valued email subscriber, we want to give you something special. For a limited time, we're offering Mastery to you for just $197. That’s $200 off the public price! This is a one-time, exclusive offer, and once it’s gone, it’s gone.

This isn’t about making a quick sale. It’s about ensuring that the people who’ve supported us the most—like you—get the first chance to access this game-changing program at a price that’s too good to pass up.

The TFT "Mastery" Series


ONLY $197

Alright let’s cut to the chase. You’ve read this far because you know how crucial it is to be prepared. You’ve seen how Mastery can transform you from a novice to a self-defense expert, equipping you with life-saving skills. This is more than just a course—it's a lifeline.

Here's the deal...

You can keep doing what you've been doing, hoping you’ll never need these skills. Or, you can take action now and ensure you're ready for anything. Mastery is your ticket to confidence, control, and peace of mind.

Remember, this exclusive offer is only available to my email subscribers. For just $197, you get access to the most comprehensive self-defense system ever created. That’s $200 off the price when we offer it to the entire public—a deal you won’t find anywhere else.

Don’t wait. This is a one-time opportunity. Click the button below, secure your spot, and start your journey to self-defense mastery. Make the decision to protect yourself and your loved ones. Act now, and let’s get started.

Stay Safe,
Tim Larkin

P.s. don't forget about....

My Full Bullet-Proof, No-BS, 
"I Shoulder All The Risk" 
100% Money Back Guarantee...

I want you to experience the transformational feeling that says, "I know how to handle myself, should violence strike."

While others shorten their guarantees (dropping to 60 or 30 days, and some even saying "to hell with you, buy at your own risk, we're not taking it back")...we made ours LONGER. That's right. TFT Video Courses and Online Products are guaranteed for an entire year.
The last thing you need while learning something new is the pressure of keeping one eye glued to the calendar.

This is more than a guarantee. It's my personal promise to you!

I trust you to do the right thing with this Program, just as I know you trust me. I think that's the fair thing to do.
~ Tim Larkin